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dickarray 發表於 07-8-8 12:44:04 | 顯示全部樓層
dickarray 07-8-8 12:44:04 1597 38


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本帖最後由 dickarray 於 2012-5-23 12:03 編輯

Filmmaker Paul Thomas Anderson has screened his new film about a Scientology-like sect leader for Tom Cruise, Scientology's most famous follower, in the hopes of heading off a conflict with the group, TheWrap has learned.

According to two individuals close to the movie, Anderson recently screened the film, loosely based on the life of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, for Cruise.

Both individuals said that Cruise "had issues" with some parts of the movie. Cruise starred in one of Anderson's earlier movies, "Magnolia," and the two remain friends.

Bing: Tom Cruise and Scientology

The film is set to be released in October.

When reached by TheWrap, a spokeswoman for Cruise had no immediate comment.

A spokesman for the Church of Scientology told TheWrap that members had not seen the film and could not comment on it.

The Church of Scientology, which vigorously defends itself from outside critics, has many followers among Hollywood stars, including actor John Travolta.

One of the individuals close to the movie told TheWrap that the Weinstein Company also intended to show the film to Travolta.

The movie has not yet been screened, so its full plot and tone is not yet known. Weinstein released the trailer from the Cannes Film Festival on Monday.

Also from TheWrap: Cannes Weinstein Preview: 'Django Unchained,' 'The Master' and 'Silver Linings Playbook'

The church, long criticized for some of its practices, was the subject of an investigative article in the New Yorker last year that accused some leaders of physically abusing adolescent members and beating adults. The article included interviews with director Paul Haggis, a former Scientologist who has come out as one of the religion's fiercest critics.

Anderson, who is still completing the film, which stars Joaquin Phoenix and Philip Seymour Hoffman, wrote and directed the story about a charismatic leader, Lancaster Dodd (Hoffman), referred to as "The Master," who creates a cultlike movement called The Cause.

The similarities to Hubbard include the time frame -- post-World War II -- and Dodd's taking a trip on a boat during which he arrives at a new philosophy and creates a faith-based movement.

Phoenix plays a troubled drifter seeking a path who becomes Dodd's right-hand man.

Both the director and movie distributor, the Weinstein Company, are debating how to approach the similarities with Scientology: whether to acknowledge them openly or keep the matter at arm's length.

The reaction of the group's most prominent members will likely be a part of that decision.

The $42 million budget film was fully financed by producer Megan Ellison, daughter of Silicon Valley billionaire Larry Ellison, who took on the project after she learned that Anderson could not get financing anywhere.

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hihcil 發表於 07-8-8 13:18:37 | 顯示全部樓層
hihcil 07-8-8 13:18:37
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oreo01062001 發表於 07-8-8 14:09:23 | 顯示全部樓層
oreo01062001 07-8-8 14:09:23

所以請旅館的女客服人員指引一下 結果應該是叫他們去好樂迪或錢櫃的純唱歌的地方吧
後來在路上 有KTV的GTO 看到 於是請他們上去囉
因為第一次 有點怕怕的 但出了電梯 發現很多唱歌聲 所以伈想還好
於是進了包廂 後來進來兩個MM
一個很醜 但身材不錯 就推給阿兜仔 另一個大大覺得很有吸引力 就自己坐
第一次來 也不知道怎麼玩 就等MM開始點歌 喝酒
突然MM將燈關上 兩個大大以為開始要搶劫了
結果是MM開始熱舞SHOW 大大也開始碰碰MM的腿還有小屁屁
跳完後 MM開始用小屁屁摩擦大大的弟弟
大大也開始摸MM的奶奶 感覺真不錯

就這樣 除了摸摸跟摩摩 沒有發生什麼事
大大只唱了幾首歌 (因為英文歌太少)

大大的MM很會唱 點了幾首台語歌
那另外的MM 就SOSO囉
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oreo01062001 發表於 07-8-8 14:40:32 | 顯示全部樓層
oreo01062001 07-8-8 14:40:32
幾天後 在離開高雄前 又來到另一家跑公檯的店
大大的第一個MM 不是太漂亮 但可以接受 22歲 C罩杯 算滿正的
且還給大大玩頭頭 大大一隻手摸屁屁 一隻手摸奶奶
同時MM也一直搖屁屁磨蹭大大的弟弟 正當很HIGH時
第2個MM沒有第 一個互動那麼好 且屁股很大 (也許生過小孩的關係)
也只有A-CUP 還不給摸"胃" 後來大大知道為何 更確信有過小孩
因為大大摸到了 (應該是妊娠紋吧)
總之 不爽就是了 (應該第3個MM也是 因為大大對第3個MM也沒啥印象)

於是 阿兜仔跟他的MM談戀愛時 大大跟經理要求第一個MM回來
經理因為他們已經有框一個 也就答應了
2分鐘後 MM開始濕了 於是大大更用手指頭的攻勢進去
MM受不了 開始熱情的親大大的耳朵
大大可以感受到MM身體的僵硬 在他手指進進出出的同時
(媽的~ 寫到這時 我的弟弟也硬了)

MM叫大大再更深入一點 更快一點 大大當然也是照做囉
後來MM有到了吧 大大的手也好累了

且大大當天就要離開高雄 所以只好放棄這個唸頭囉
只能期待下次有緣在相"幹"囉 ... 打錯 是 相見啦

PS 大大下次應該是去台中玩吧
我想 可以請教KK大囉
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porite-1 發表於 07-8-8 15:15:43 | 顯示全部樓層
porite-1 07-8-8 15:15:43

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阿華狼 發表於 07-8-8 15:24:53 | 顯示全部樓層
阿華狼 07-8-8 15:24:53


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fkuo 發表於 07-8-8 16:00:25 | 顯示全部樓層
fkuo 07-8-8 16:00:25


原來 "書到用時方很少" 就是這樣的結果
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andychou 發表於 07-8-8 17:15:40 | 顯示全部樓層
andychou 07-8-8 17:15:40
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kenzo5 發表於 07-8-8 18:18:04 | 顯示全部樓層
kenzo5 07-8-8 18:18:04
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紫禁城 發表於 07-8-8 19:07:02 | 顯示全部樓層
紫禁城 07-8-8 19:07:02
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amick 發表於 07-8-8 21:26:04 | 顯示全部樓層
amick 07-8-8 21:26:04

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吃太飽 發表於 07-8-8 22:09:57 | 顯示全部樓層
吃太飽 07-8-8 22:09:57
唉  又是一篇 ABCD  告嘎低


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小A士 發表於 07-8-8 22:43:06 | 顯示全部樓層
小A士 07-8-8 22:43:06
如果知道了 可能會更有趣
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AdamHuang 發表於 07-8-8 23:57:14 | 顯示全部樓層
AdamHuang 07-8-8 23:57:14
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ibi1976 發表於 07-8-9 00:13:59 | 顯示全部樓層
ibi1976 07-8-9 00:13:59
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ALFAROMEO 發表於 07-8-9 02:18:41 | 顯示全部樓層
ALFAROMEO 07-8-9 02:18:41

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tin12315 發表於 07-8-9 04:47:40 | 顯示全部樓層
tin12315 07-8-9 04:47:40
小弟才疏學淺 很認真的看完
雖然生字甚多  不知不覺中又學了些喔  
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GEES1227 發表於 07-8-9 09:03:40 | 顯示全部樓層
GEES1227 07-8-9 09:03:40
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小璋郎 發表於 07-8-9 09:59:51 | 顯示全部樓層
小璋郎 07-8-9 09:59:51
last time I was in Taiwan, I also went to two different KTV's to check things out. I've always heard about the KTV's in Taiwan even when I was in the U.S. So, I thought that if I didn't check this out, I'd be sorry later. Besides, I do know how to sing, so even if nothing happened, I would still have fun singing.


Experience Number 1

Remember my buddy (a white guy) that got some girls with me? Anyway, he really wanted some actions. I've also told him about the KTV reputation in Taiwan. So, off we went one night. We asked one of the ladies working for the hotel (where we stayed) for recommendation of which one we should go. Knowing that she probably would only recommend a pure singing KTV, we were mentally preparing of nothing happening. So, with the walking direction that she gave us, we went out to look for this particular KTV.

記得偶的麻吉(白人朋友) 帶妞同行,無論如何,總有點活動樂事,偶告知台灣
有名聲的Ktv不錯玩, 瘋一夜, 問了投宿旅館內女服務生推薦那家KTV好玩.
可惜只有”純”的 心理毫無準備 所以去了她 推薦那家流行的KTV

We walked about 15 minutes (pretty far away) and finally found the sign for the KTV. However, we also found that there are about 10 other signs for other KTV too. Hmm... So we decided not to go into the one recommended by the hotel lady yet. As we approached the area, some guy immediately locked on to us like a missile! He jumped out of his chair near the walk way, and asked me if I wanted to have some fun in a KTV. He told me that they have girls and to sit with us. I asked him what was included and if we could do anything to the girls. I didn't really care about the beer and etc. I wanted to know about the girls. He told us that we can touch. Ok. It was pretty expensive (because we didn't have anyone taking us there). I don't remember how much now, but more than what people are saying they paid here on the forum.

一行人走了15分,(滿遠的) 終於抵達歡唱KTV , ,然而,附近有10家不同扛棒KTV,琳瑯滿目,
決定不去女服務生推薦那家KTV 轉戰別家, 當初到此區 有一些人以投射眼光盯著我們,
GTO從椅子上跳躍起走了過來 問偶是否來ktv找樂子 這兒有小姐座檯喔 偶問GTO有包括那些服務,
假如要處理 啤酒其它東東費用就不用在意, GTO說 摸摸OK啦,
還頗貴的 (因為沒人帶) 現在不記得花了多少,

We went up to the place via an elevator. We were hoping that we didn't walk into a place where people can mug us or even kill us for our money (kind of scary, but it was definitely adventurous). When we got out of the elevator, we immediately heard loud music. Ok, at least some people are singing, not being murdered. Hahaha! We sat in the room for a bit. Then two girls showed up in very light clothing. One of them was not so pretty but had a good body. The other one was really attractive! My buddy got stuck with the ugly one this time. I grabbed the pretty one.

就會望而怯步(另類提心吊膽,卻肯定是大膽冒險) 走出電梯 即刻聽到
音樂聲隆隆作響ok啦,至少唱歌嘛而不會感到不適...哈哈 在包廂裡一晌
兩辣妹穿薄紗秀舞,其中一位辣妹,臉不優但身材棒, ,白人朋友點了她, 另一位真的粉吸引人,偶點了.

We had no idea what to expect at all. So we just sat there and started drinking the cheap beer (I found out later that it was Thai beer). The girls started pouring drinks for us and for themselves. And all of a sudden, they got up and turned off the lights! Damn! I was thinking that we were going to get mugged or something! Then they turned on a strobe light! They started dancing in front of us. Then they got on top of us (still standing) and started shaking their bodies like crazy! They were also screaming like they were on drugs or something. So, my buddy and I started touching and grabbing their legs and butts. My buddy and I looked at each other and started smiling... Yes! Then the girls sat down on us. My girl started using her butt to rub against my dick. I was getting an erection! I started grabbing her tits (only about A->B cup) and her butt while she wiggle her butt against my dick. That was pretty good!

妹妹猛灌我們酒,不久後,突然間熄燈.e04 ,此時在想瞎了完了……當打開舞台閃光燈.
所以偶和麻吉就對妹妹上下齊手 不客氣了,並眼光交會,默契微笑…..是的..
當妹妹坐在我們腿上,用屁股摩襯小弟弟 如電奔疾馳,開始抓奶頭(
約A->罩杯) 搖擺臀頂著小弟弟.感覺超棒

Well, nothing really happened except the touching and grabbing. We didn't know how far we could go without getting into trouble. I sang a few songs (very few selections of English songs). My girl was a pretty good singer. She sang a couple of Taiwanese songs. My buddy's ugly girl couldn't sing wi Time was up! We left pretty happy. That was our first experience at a KTV.th a crap! She was terrible!

超乎期待的觸感與龍抓手. 真不知這樣感覺還能多久又不沾鍋,唱了少少的歌(歌本鮮少英文歌可選)
我點妹妹超會唱歌 唱一堆台語,阿兜阿點的妹妹不會唱,兩個人在玩骰子


Experience Number 2
A few days later, before we left Kaohsiung, we decided that we must have one more KTV before we go. This time, we just started walking around the hotel without any direction to see if we can find anything. We walked for about 2 blocks from the hotel. Some guy just showed up in front of our face asking if we wanted to have some fun in a KTV. (it was amazing that they could see we were horny) This time was slightly more expensive than last time! But we were tired, so we just went with him without slashing his prices.

幾天後 離開高雄前 決定再找個幾家KTV 黑皮一下
在住宿旅館附近 漫無方向的走著漫步尋找 走了兩條街區
悄悄然這次燒錢更兇 跟著GTO去也沒殺價

This place was a little different. We didn't find out till later that they rotate girls every 15 minutes? Well, I didn't mind, but my buddy fell in love with the first girl that he had! He wanted the girl to stay with him, but he had to pay another $1000 NT to keep her (what a rip off). So, he ended up staying with the girl for the rest of the time. My first girl wasn't really that good looking (but acceptable). She was only 22 years old, and she had close to a C cup tits. Anyway, she let me pull her tits out to fondle them. I was grabbing her ass with one hand and her tits with the other. She wiggled her butt against my dick and got me really hot! But then, she had to leave because of rotation. The second girl was a bit less active. She has a bigger butt (probably because she has a baby already), but her tits were barely A cup. She also didn't want me touching her
stomach. I did touch her stomach very briefly then I knew why. She did have a baby before because I can feel the folds of skin on her stomach. Anyway, so I just grabbed her ass and legs. She was kind of stiff and didn't want to sit on me. I don't remember what the third girl looked like anymore. I just remember that they were all very "stiff", compared to the first girl.

這地方有點不同,來到一家15分換公檯的店? 我不在意 麻吉阿兜仔多付了
1000將他的妹妹框起來 ,直到結束
我點的第一個妹妹 不是太漂亮 (尚可以接受) 22歲 C罩杯 算滿正的
且還給玩愛撫奶頭 另一隻手摸屁屁 一隻手摸奶奶 她晃臀頂弟弟一柱擎天

第2個妹妹沒有第一個互動那麼好 且屁股很大 (也許生過小孩的關係)也只有A-罩杯
還不給摸"胃"部區 後來知道為何 更確信有過小孩,因為摸到皮膚皺紋 (應該是妊娠紋吧)

So, when my buddy paid to reserve his girl, I told the management that I want the first girl back in. Since my buddy paid extra, they agreed to do that for me. This time, the girl and I really got on! I started sucking her tits. My right hand went into her panties and started rubbing her clitoris. After about 2 minutes, she started getting wet down there. So, I stuck my finger inside her and started fucking her with my finger! She started moaning and sucked my ear. I could feel that her body became tense while my finger went in and out of her pussy! (Damn! I am getting a hard on right now writing this.) She started whining and asked me to go faster. So I did. I think she came because she almost bit my ear off toward the end while she wiggled and shook uncontrollably. My hand was so tired afterwards!

於是 麻吉阿兜仔框妹妹談戀愛時 我跟經理要求第一個妹妹回來
經理因為麻吉阿兜仔已經有框一個 也就對我答應照辦了
可以感受到妹妹身體的僵硬 在手指進進出出套弄密穴的同時
(媽的~ 寫到這時 我的弟弟也硬了)
妹妹叫我再更深入一點 更快一點 當然也是照做囉
後來妹妹有高潮到了吧 她幾乎瘋狂吃舔我的耳朵也失控的晃動搖擺身軀

I wanted to take her back to the hotel and really ram my dick into her pussy, but when we were done, it was already 3 AM in the morning. We had to leave Kaohsiung the same day! So, I reluctantly gave up the idea of fucking her in the hotel. I think if I asked her, she would have said yes. Next time if I am back there, I'd ask her to come over to the hotel!

我想帶她回旅館打樁 嘿咻, 為時已晚已經凌晨3點了
當天就要離開高雄 所以只好放棄這個唸頭囉
假如問她的話,她會說 “好” 吧,如果下回有再來,肯定問她去旅館溫存啦

This concludes all of my girl experience in Taiwan. I had a great time over there working and messing around with the girls. I didn't want to go back to the U.S. I almost cried when I got on the plane to go back home. I'll be back when I get a chance! Thank you for providing a place to share my experience with you. I apologize that it's all in English, but I couldn't imagine typing all this up in my slow Chinese typing skills.

結論, 來台歡樂時光工作和吃飯總圍繞著女孩,真不想回美國,一想到要回去
就想哭,有機會就來台灣,感謝提供平臺分享你我的經驗, 粉抱歉都是英文,

譯如有出入 請多見諒囉
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小璋郎 發表於 07-8-9 10:01:11 | 顯示全部樓層
小璋郎 07-8-9 10:01:11
last time I was in Taiwan, I also went to two different KTV's to check things out. I've always heard about the KTV's in Taiwan even when I was in the U.S. So, I thought that if I didn't check this out, I'd be sorry later. Besides, I do know how to sing, so even if nothing happened, I would still have fun singing.

上次回臺灣期間去過兩回不同KTV因在美國時有耳聞 此次回台一試,才不有遺憾,雖無發生啥事,

Experience Number 1

Remember my buddy (a white guy) that got some girls with me? Anyway, he really wanted some actions. I've also told him about the KTV reputation in Taiwan. So, off we went one night. We asked one of the ladies working for the hotel (where we stayed) for recommendation of which one we should go. Knowing that she probably would only recommend a pure singing KTV, we were mentally preparing of nothing happening. So, with the walking direction that she gave us, we went out to look for this particular KTV.

記得偶的麻吉(白人朋友) 帶妞同行,無論如何,總有點活動樂事,偶告知台灣
有名聲的Ktv不錯玩, 瘋一夜, 問了投宿旅館內女服務生推薦那家KTV好玩.
可惜只有”純”的 心理毫無準備 所以去了她 推薦那家流行的KTV

We walked about 15 minutes (pretty far away) and finally found the sign for the KTV. However, we also found that there are about 10 other signs for other KTV too. Hmm... So we decided not to go into the one recommended by the hotel lady yet. As we approached the area, some guy immediately locked on to us like a missile! He jumped out of his chair near the walk way, and asked me if I wanted to have some fun in a KTV. He told me that they have girls and to sit with us. I asked him what was included and if we could do anything to the girls. I didn't really care about the beer and etc. I wanted to know about the girls. He told us that we can touch. Ok. It was pretty expensive (because we didn't have anyone taking us there). I don't remember how much now, but more than what people are saying they paid here on the forum.

一行人走了15分,(滿遠的) 終於抵達歡唱KTV , ,然而,附近有10家不同扛棒KTV,琳瑯滿目,
決定不去女服務生推薦那家KTV 轉戰別家, 當初到此區 有一些人以投射眼光盯著我們,
GTO從椅子上跳躍起走了過來 問偶是否來ktv找樂子 這兒有小姐座檯喔 偶問GTO有包括那些服務,
假如要處理 啤酒其它東東費用就不用在意, GTO說 摸摸OK啦,
還頗貴的 (因為沒人帶) 現在不記得花了多少,

We went up to the place via an elevator. We were hoping that we didn't walk into a place where people can mug us or even kill us for our money (kind of scary, but it was definitely adventurous). When we got out of the elevator, we immediately heard loud music. Ok, at least some people are singing, not being murdered. Hahaha! We sat in the room for a bit. Then two girls showed up in very light clothing. One of them was not so pretty but had a good body. The other one was really attractive! My buddy got stuck with the ugly one this time. I grabbed the pretty one.

就會望而怯步(另類提心吊膽,卻肯定是大膽冒險) 走出電梯 即刻聽到
音樂聲隆隆作響ok啦,至少唱歌嘛而不會感到不適...哈哈 在包廂裡一晌
兩辣妹穿薄紗秀舞,其中一位辣妹,臉不優但身材棒, ,白人朋友點了她, 另一位真的粉吸引人,偶點了.

We had no idea what to expect at all. So we just sat there and started drinking the cheap beer (I found out later that it was Thai beer). The girls started pouring drinks for us and for themselves. And all of a sudden, they got up and turned off the lights! Damn! I was thinking that we were going to get mugged or something! Then they turned on a strobe light! They started dancing in front of us. Then they got on top of us (still standing) and started shaking their bodies like crazy! They were also screaming like they were on drugs or something. So, my buddy and I started touching and grabbing their legs and butts. My buddy and I looked at each other and started smiling... Yes! Then the girls sat down on us. My girl started using her butt to rub against my dick. I was getting an erection! I started grabbing her tits (only about A->B cup) and her butt while she wiggle her butt against my dick. That was pretty good!

妹妹猛灌我們酒,不久後,突然間熄燈.e04 ,此時在想瞎了完了……當打開舞台閃光燈.
所以偶和麻吉就對妹妹上下齊手 不客氣了,並眼光交會,默契微笑…..是的..
當妹妹坐在我們腿上,用屁股摩襯小弟弟 如電奔疾馳,開始抓奶頭(
約A->罩杯) 搖擺臀頂著小弟弟.感覺超棒

Well, nothing really happened except the touching and grabbing. We didn't know how far we could go without getting into trouble. I sang a few songs (very few selections of English songs). My girl was a pretty good singer. She sang a couple of Taiwanese songs. My buddy's ugly girl couldn't sing wi Time was up! We left pretty happy. That was our first experience at a KTV.th a crap! She was terrible!

超乎期待的觸感與龍抓手. 真不知這樣感覺還能多久又不沾鍋,唱了少少的歌(歌本鮮少英文歌可選)
我點妹妹超會唱歌 唱一堆台語,阿兜阿點的妹妹不會唱,兩個人在玩骰子


Experience Number 2
A few days later, before we left Kaohsiung, we decided that we must have one more KTV before we go. This time, we just started walking around the hotel without any direction to see if we can find anything. We walked for about 2 blocks from the hotel. Some guy just showed up in front of our face asking if we wanted to have some fun in a KTV. (it was amazing that they could see we were horny) This time was slightly more expensive than last time! But we were tired, so we just went with him without slashing his prices.

幾天後 離開高雄前 決定再找個幾家KTV 黑皮一下
在住宿旅館附近 漫無方向的走著漫步尋找 走了兩條街區
悄悄然這次燒錢更兇 跟著GTO去也沒殺價

This place was a little different. We didn't find out till later that they rotate girls every 15 minutes? Well, I didn't mind, but my buddy fell in love with the first girl that he had! He wanted the girl to stay with him, but he had to pay another $1000 NT to keep her (what a rip off). So, he ended up staying with the girl for the rest of the time. My first girl wasn't really that good looking (but acceptable). She was only 22 years old, and she had close to a C cup tits. Anyway, she let me pull her tits out to fondle them. I was grabbing her ass with one hand and her tits with the other. She wiggled her butt against my dick and got me really hot! But then, she had to leave because of rotation. The second girl was a bit less active. She has a bigger butt (probably because she has a baby already), but her tits were barely A cup. She also didn't want me touching her
stomach. I did touch her stomach very briefly then I knew why. She did have a baby before because I can feel the folds of skin on her stomach. Anyway, so I just grabbed her ass and legs. She was kind of stiff and didn't want to sit on me. I don't remember what the third girl looked like anymore. I just remember that they were all very "stiff", compared to the first girl.

這地方有點不同,來到一家15分換公檯的店? 我不在意 麻吉阿兜仔多付了
1000將他的妹妹框起來 ,直到結束
我點的第一個妹妹 不是太漂亮 (尚可以接受) 22歲 C罩杯 算滿正的
且還給玩愛撫奶頭 另一隻手摸屁屁 一隻手摸奶奶 她晃臀頂弟弟一柱擎天

第2個妹妹沒有第一個互動那麼好 且屁股很大 (也許生過小孩的關係)也只有A-罩杯
還不給摸"胃"部區 後來知道為何 更確信有過小孩,因為摸到皮膚皺紋 (應該是妊娠紋吧)

So, when my buddy paid to reserve his girl, I told the management that I want the first girl back in. Since my buddy paid extra, they agreed to do that for me. This time, the girl and I really got on! I started sucking her tits. My right hand went into her panties and started rubbing her clitoris. After about 2 minutes, she started getting wet down there. So, I stuck my finger inside her and started fucking her with my finger! She started moaning and sucked my ear. I could feel that her body became tense while my finger went in and out of her pussy! (Damn! I am getting a hard on right now writing this.) She started whining and asked me to go faster. So I did. I think she came because she almost bit my ear off toward the end while she wiggled and shook uncontrollably. My hand was so tired afterwards!

於是 麻吉阿兜仔框妹妹談戀愛時 我跟經理要求第一個妹妹回來
經理因為麻吉阿兜仔已經有框一個 也就對我答應照辦了
可以感受到妹妹身體的僵硬 在手指進進出出套弄密穴的同時
(媽的~ 寫到這時 我的弟弟也硬了)
妹妹叫我再更深入一點 更快一點 當然也是照做囉
後來妹妹有高潮到了吧 她幾乎瘋狂吃舔我的耳朵也失控的晃動搖擺身軀

I wanted to take her back to the hotel and really ram my dick into her pussy, but when we were done, it was already 3 AM in the morning. We had to leave Kaohsiung the same day! So, I reluctantly gave up the idea of fucking her in the hotel. I think if I asked her, she would have said yes. Next time if I am back there, I'd ask her to come over to the hotel!

我想帶她回旅館打樁 嘿咻, 為時已晚已經凌晨3點了
當天就要離開高雄 所以只好放棄這個唸頭囉
假如問她的話,她會說 “好” 吧,如果下回有再來,肯定問她去旅館溫存啦

This concludes all of my girl experience in Taiwan. I had a great time over there working and messing around with the girls. I didn't want to go back to the U.S. I almost cried when I got on the plane to go back home. I'll be back when I get a chance! Thank you for providing a place to share my experience with you. I apologize that it's all in English, but I couldn't imagine typing all this up in my slow Chinese typing skills.

結論, 來台歡樂時光工作和吃飯總圍繞著女孩,真不想回美國,一想到要回去
就想哭,有機會就來台灣,感謝提供平臺分享你我的經驗, 粉抱歉都是英文,
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