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SOG學園長 15-3-11 13:37:31 166849 1653


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陳思琪 發表於 17 小時前 | 顯示全部樓層
陳思琪 17 小時前

# J! n- p- f' ]' Z, d真是太詳細了$ M1 u# @' {  l+ F) j; ?/ f
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MethrenEmbog 發表於 18 小時前 | 顯示全部樓層
MethrenEmbog 18 小時前

nbdq Iran urges oil producers to keep discussing freeze, says it can't sign up

Kay0618 發表於 15-3-15 00:06  g; [% _1 T: p  [7 {( o- @' o

& A5 E) W: W# IQvvb Nawaz demands UN-led probe into Kashmir abuses
# Q5 y$ A" S! Z
/ J/ B! U- `( b, Q+ l- F# v1 VA adidas samba donna  police officer in Minnesota who was acquitted of fatally shooting black motorist Philando Castile聽has quit the force after a $48, 500 buyout, the Associated Press reported.Jeronimo Yanez, was an officer with the St Anthony Police Department, when he shot Castile five times during a traffic stop in July 2016. He was found not guilty last month of second-degree manslaughter.聽The death of Castile, 32, drew national attention as it occurred during a wave of high-profile police killings of black men. The incidents sparked street protests in cities across the United States accusing polic ugg boots tasmania e of using excessive force against blacks.The money will be paid to Yanez 聽in lump sum, minus state and federal taxes. According to a five-page separation agreement released through a public records request, Yanez will also be paid for accured and unused personal leave for up to 600 hours by the Minneapolis suburb of St Anthony.According to AP adidas samba adidas , the 29-year-old's annual salary at the time of the incident was 3D visualisations of landscapes, real time data on water quality and levels, market data on stocks of cereals held on farms and usage of ce nike dunk sb reals by maltsters 鈥?these are just some of the diversity of data to be made available by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) in June, creating potential for new business models. The implications for the agri-tech industry will be discussed at the upcoming Agri-Tech East Special Interest Group event 鈥淒EFRA Data 鈥?Opening Up the Treasure Trove鈥?at Rothamsted Research on 9th March 2016.DEFRA鈥檚 transition to becoming a departm yeezy ent that is 鈥榦pen by default鈥?will unlock a treasure trove of data with agricultural potential. Ellen Broad, Expert Adviser to the Secretary of State and  nike store dunks a speaker at the event, will explain what data sets will be available and how the agri-tech community can use them.
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kevin2024 發表於 前天 00:58 | 顯示全部樓層
kevin2024 前天 00:58
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gillbert926 發表於 24-4-16 00:26:36 | 顯示全部樓層
gillbert926 24-4-16 00:26:36
5 _! M0 v* R5 v: A" K
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cji3u06u04 發表於 24-4-8 07:04:53 | 顯示全部樓層
cji3u06u04 24-4-8 07:04:53
詳細的說明積分與任務的制度3 W3 z" Y' _7 s% O+ T
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xybazelu 發表於 24-4-2 02:06:04 | 顯示全部樓層
xybazelu 24-4-2 02:06:04
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RichardE 發表於 24-3-31 13:43:24 | 顯示全部樓層
RichardE 24-3-31 13:43:24
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jt_2273 發表於 24-3-17 22:06:29 | 顯示全部樓層
jt_2273 24-3-17 22:06:29
非常有用的資訊 完成任務
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agi70 發表於 24-3-10 10:14:31 | 顯示全部樓層
agi70 24-3-10 10:14:31
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vnvn52078 發表於 24-3-10 05:25:07 | 顯示全部樓層
vnvn52078 24-3-10 05:25:07
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857312 發表於 24-3-7 12:59:23 | 顯示全部樓層
857312 24-3-7 12:59:23
詳閱,必遵守規定!! i! ?) C2 G& H; x8 i% A0 `
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bohong04578 發表於 24-3-6 16:51:29 | 顯示全部樓層
bohong04578 24-3-6 16:51:29
謝謝說明了* s$ O5 x* V% ?9 v) _
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macair 發表於 24-3-3 21:54:11 | 顯示全部樓層
macair 24-3-3 21:54:11
7 _" F  T2 \8 t7 X" H連回覆都無法~
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chl810903 發表於 24-3-3 18:25:13 | 顯示全部樓層
chl810903 24-3-3 18:25:13
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太穹天樞聖無極 發表於 24-3-3 11:30:47 | 顯示全部樓層
太穹天樞聖無極 24-3-3 11:30:47
只要好好看規則+ \7 [9 o1 \! X8 z- u, J
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rex1916 發表於 24-3-2 20:05:59 | 顯示全部樓層
rex1916 24-3-2 20:05:59
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sawman98 發表於 24-3-1 14:47:42 | 顯示全部樓層
sawman98 24-3-1 14:47:42
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bbdtzbb 發表於 24-2-18 14:44:14 | 顯示全部樓層
bbdtzbb 24-2-18 14:44:14
% [5 m. B- W7 F( K  N$ Q) M
努力升級,盡快升等 YA
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